Jim - Voicing

Let's make something awesome together!

Comet - Security

someone's at the door!!

Ferb - Investigations

Oooooo, whatchagotthere??
I was the kid who chugged orange soda when everyone else craved Pepsi and Mountain Dew.  I blasted Beethoven from my BoomBox.  I binge watched Star Trek using a VCR and a stack of VHS tapes.  I wrote programs in ‘basic’.  I didn’t know who was calling when the phone rang.  
Today, I educate children, and I train technicians.  I guide tourists, and I influence decision makers.  I sell cars; I deliver peace of mind.  When you call after hours, I assure you that your issue is very important and will be addressed as soon as possible.  I’m that friend whose advice you wish you’d taken, but I’m too nice to say ‘I told ya so.’  Asahi is my ‘go-to’ beer.  Malcolm Gladwell is my hero.  I’m a Dad, a husband, and an OG FirstGen Nerd. 
Let’s talk about how I can add genuine believability to your corporate narration, eLearning project, commercial, explainer video, phone system or any project where you need to hear from a smart, dependable friend.  
Comet’s Story
I was the puppy who chugged pool water when everyone else craved faces to lick.  I blasted ooh ooh ah ahs from my Toy Monkey.  I binge watched Stranger Things while chewing on a Roku remote and a stack of popcorn.  I wrote the book on opening doors with only a bark.  
Today, I train teenagers to check the mail.  I guide felines away from my food, and I influence lesser dogs.  I sell cuteness; I hide pieces of cheese.  When you knock on the door after hours, I loudly and convincingly assure you that your presence is very noticeable and will be addressed as soon as possible.  I’m that canine whose leash you wish you’d taken, but I’m totally content to chill until you’re ready.  Almonds are my ‘go-to’ snack.  My human Lisa is my hero.  I’m a Pet, a lapdog, and the Biggest Little Bitch on the Block.
Let me growl about how my other human Jim, can bring genuine believability to your corporate narration, eLearning project, commercial, explainer video, phone system or any project where you need to hear from a smart, dependable friend.  
Ferb’s Story
I was the kitten who chugged decongestant when everyone else breathed like a normal cat.  I blasted sneezes from my mouser.  I binge watched squirrels using an office window on a sunny day.  I wrote the book on how to open cabinet doors and look inside.
Today, I train humans to scratch juuuust behind the ear.  I influence where the cat tower goes.  I sell brushing; I deliver head bunts.  When you shower after hours, I assure you that your dental health is very important and should be addressed with me on the counter.  I’m that feline who’s always interested in your new package from Amazon, but I’m too nice to say ‘Do you REALLY need ANOTHER lamp?’  Original Flavor is my ‘go-to’ Meow Mix. Whoever invented wicker is my hero.  I’m a Pet, a companion, and nearly impossible to photograph unless the light is really really good. 
Let’s talk about how the guy attached to my favorite left arm to nap on can add genuine believability to your corporate narration, eLearning project, commercial, explainer video, phone system or any project where you need to hear from a smart, dependable friend.  